In this case, you lost data after accidentally erased Mac hard drive or an external hard disk. Before erasing the hard drive, you may forget to back up the whole data. People always face the issue "there was not enough disk space for new pictures or software" which result in accidentally erasing a hard drive or partition on Mac with Disk utility. Partition a hard drive to different parts.Restore volumes from Apple Sofware restore images.Clone, format, partition and erase Mac hard drive.Actually, it is a built-in useful tool to help users manage Mac: People do not know much about Disk Utility and they always worry about "Disk Utility erase files on Mac". If you do not know how to use Disk Utility, DO NOT USE IT TO ERASE FILES!!! Here in the following, we talk about how to get files bacl due to accidentally erased hard drive in disk utility.

Once I lost the data from the external hard drive on Mac, I tried almost all the ways possible to get the data back, especially there are precious family pictures and videos, as well as my paper. I do not know why people accidentally erased hard drive on Mac, but I can learn how worried they are. While a search on Google, you can always see people asking for help "I accidentally deleted macintosh HD in disk utility", "I accidentally deleted startup disk". Updated to macOS Data Recovery Tips by Nancy on | Approved by Christian Cawley